Blight Remediation

103 Bonner St Before.JPG

The Blight Remediation Team enforces the City’s Anti-Blight & Property Maintenance Ordinance by targeting occupied and vacant properties that have deteriorated or become nuisances.

Blight Remediation Team

blighted house The Blight Remediation Team (BRT) enforces the City’s Anti-Blight & Property Maintenance Ordinance by targeting occupied and vacant properties that have deteriorated or become nuisances. BRT works closely with other City departments, including the Department of Public Works and the Department of Health and Human Services to respond to and abate nuisances such as graffiti, litter, and illegal dumping.

The City’s Anti-Blight & Property Maintenance Ordinance strengthens the City’s ability to enforce by:

  • Allowing the City to collect more revenue from fines and liens to offset the cost of blight on the Hartford community; and
  • Enabling the City to abate the nuisance or force a transfer of ownership (through lien foreclosure or voluntary sale) when property owners do not comply.

 The ordinance also:

  • Creates a set of minimum property maintenance standards to educate property owners.
  • Indicates that two or more violations of the minimum property maintenance standards will constitute an anti-blight violation.
  • Increases the number of potential anti-blight violations from 12 to 34.
  • Shortens the time period between notice of violation and issuance of a citation from 30 to 10 days.
  • Creates an opportunity for property owners to request and receive a 30-day extension (forbearance) to correct violations.


  1. Properties undergoing renovation under a current building permit are exempt.
  2. New violations that did not exist under the previous ordinance include:
  • Boarded windows and doors. Property owners are not allowed to keep properties boarded for more than 1 year.
  • Trash accumulation.
  • Weeds and grass over 12 inches high.
  • Inoperable appliances, machinery, and cars being kept on property.



Tax Deferral for Rehabilitated Structures

If you are interested in rehabilitating a blighted property, you may qualify for a temporary reduction or deferral in the assessment on the real property. This could lower your property-tax bill for up to 9 years after the improvements are complete. 

Eligible properties must meet the following conditions:

  • Two or more blight violations exist
  • Within 1,500 ft. of residential property
  • Work must not be already in progress

For more information and to fill out a Request for Deferral Application, please contact the City Tax Assessor.