The Metropolitan District's Household Hazardous Waste Collection program for 2025. Please take look at the packet with the collection schedule, which are held on Saturdays from 8am - 1pm.
The transfer station is accepting tree stumps and hardwood logs. For more information, please call Hartford 311 at (860) 757-9311.
Eversource’s Underground Cable Modernization Program (UCMP) in Hartford. Read more about this in Public Notices and/or select on the link below.
The City is undertaking a design project that is the culmination of over 15 years of study for the stretch of Main Street from Earle Street to the Windsor Town Line. The project will include improved curb and sidewalk, landscaping, improved bus stops, updated traffic signals, decorative lighting, and bicycle facilities.
The City initiated a public engagement process on September 15, 2020 with a kick-off meeting hosted in conjunction with Representative Brandon McGee. An advisory panel began meeting on October 7, 2020 to review pertinent information about the corridor and offer insights.
Check out the initial North Main St Proposed Design Plans(PDF, 17MB).
Another public meeting was hosted on May 18th, 2022. Please find the meeting materials below:
Following the May 2022 public meeting, the design has largely been finalized (2022 Roll Plans - Page 1(JPG, 2MB) / Page 2(JPG, 2MB)). The City is currently pursuing funding opportunities for construction.
In 2005 an initial study of the street design was conducted. This was followed by a market development study in 2008 and a market survey completed in 2015. In 2015, the City began a streetscape design study with the consulting assistance of VHB Inc. The study was suspended in 2016 as the City reassessed its finances. An Urban Action grant has enabled the City to restart the design process.