The Department of Development Services uses the Accela portal to accept all Planning and Zoning applications. Please create an account to submit applications.
After logging on, you should be able to "Select a Record Type" for the applicable application. To view existing applications and check their status, please select "My Records".
To establish a new or additional permanent use of any kind at a property, please choose the “Zoning Permits” Record Group and select the “Principal Use/Accessory Use” Record Type from the dropdown list.
To establish a new temporary use at a property, please choose the “Zoning Permits” Record Group and select the “Temporary Use” Record Type from the dropdown list.
To renew or modify a temporary use, please navigate to the existing application and select “Renew Application” or “Modify Application”
To verify that an established use is legally recognized on a parcel, please choose the “General Assistance” Record Group and select “Certificate of Nonconformance/Compliance” from the dropdown list.
If a use is permitted by Special Permit only (or if you are not sure!), schedule a pre-application meeting prior to beginning an application online. To schedule a pre-application meeting, please choose the “General Assistance” Record Group and select “Pre-Application Consultation” from the dropdown list. The “Special Permit” Record Types are located in the “Zoning Permits” Record Group.
For a Master Plan application (illustrative drawing of a development to be completed in phases), schedule a pre-application meeting prior to beginning an application online. To schedule a pre-application meeting, please choose the “General Assistance” Record Group and select “Pre-Application Consultation” from the dropdown list. The “Master Plan” Record Type is located in the “Design Review” Record Group.
For review of any accessory structure that does not require a building permit, please choose the “Site Plan Review” Record Group and select the “Accessory Structure” Record Type from the dropdown list.
For review of any building mounted solar panel array, please choose the “Site Plan Review” Record Group and select the “Accessory Structure” Record Type from the dropdown list.
For modification of any small cell installation, other wireless facility, or for ground mounted solar panel array, please choose the “Site Plan Review” Record Group and select the “Site Plan Review” Record Type from the dropdown list.
For review of (1) Any expansion of lot coverage by an amount greater than 5 percent of existing lot coverage, (2) An alteration to more than 10 percent of a façade, (3) New construction, including an addition to a primary structure, (4) A change in an existing use from a less intense to more intense use, (5) Any activity requiring an increase of 5 or more parking spaces, (6) Any project in the OS district valued at $50,000 or more, (7) Applications triggering site plan review by the inland wetlands agency pursuant to the general statutes, (8) Any three-dimensional artwork larger than 100 cubic feet, valued at $50,000 or more, likely to effect a nuisance (particularly a light and noise nuisance), or potentially harmful to the natural environment, which is proposed to be located outdoors on public property, and (9) Any activity triggering a soil erosion and sediment control plan in accordance with 6.16.3 A., where such activity is not already included in another pending site plan or special permit application, please choose the “Site Plan Review” Record Group and select the “Site Plan Review” Record Type from the dropdown list.
For review of automotive sites that also require approval from the Department of Motor Vehicles, please choose the “Site Plan Review” Record Group and select the “Approval of Location” Record Type from the dropdown list.
If a Bond Release is needed for an existing Record, please choose the “General Assistance” Record Group and select “Bond Release Request” from the dropdown list.
Applications must be submitted with supporting documents in order to begin the review process. If the application is not submitted by the owner of record directly, owner authorization is required for the application to be accepted.
Costs of permits vary based upon permit type. If more than one permit is required, the cost is the total of all applicable fees. Fees must be paid at time of application.
Applicants will be notified if the submittal is deemed incomplete. Correspondence will include the list of documents or fees that are required to proceed. If outstanding documents have not been received after 65 days, the incomplete application will be denied. A new application must be submitted to continue the request.
Applicants will be notified once all supporting documents and fees have been received by intake staff. The application will then be transferred to Plan Reviewers for processing.
Review Types:
Per Connecticut General Statute (state law), public hearings must be opened within 65 days of receipt of a complete application. Staff will be in contact to schedule the public hearing date.
The decision making body must consider, and base its approval or disapproval on all aspects of the proposal, and in particular whether the request:
- Is in harmony with the Plan of Conservation and Development;
- Complies with all applicable sections of zoning regulation pertaining to the district in which the proposal is located;
- Comports with the purposed of the district in which the proposal is located;
- Will not be detrimental to existing development in the district because of its location, bulk, scale or design;
- Does not create safety hazards in the proposed vehicular and pedestrian circulation pattern;
- Will not seriously degrade traffic levels of service without providing adequate mitigation measures;
- Is compatible with adjacent properties;
- Provides for the suitable arrangement of building, open space, and provision of light and air;
- Properly provides for adequate provision of essential service;
- Will not be detrimental to the control of stormwater as its source and the minimization of runoff;
- Dose not place excessive demands on city services and infrastructure;
- Provides pedestrian amenities; and
- Conforms fully with the code.
For commission level reviews, public noticing is required. The conditions and requirements of the public notice may vary depending on the commission that will hear the request. Staff will take care of all legal noticing. Applicants will be responsible for contacting abutting property owners and putting up public hearing signs. Public Hearing Signs are provided by the Planning Division with a $50 refundable deposit.
No decision is final until a permit or notice recorded by the Town Clerk’s Office is issued. Note that after a Commission Hearing a Notice of Decision must first be published in the newspaper. Note as well that applications are subject to appeal periods after a decision is made.
If your request is denied, you have the right to appeal. If you are a party that is aggrieved by a decision that was made you ALSO have the right to appeal. Administrative Appeals are heard by the Zoning Board of Appeals. To file for an appeal visit the “File An Appeal” page.