Apply for a Special Events Permit

WI Day

What you should know when applying for a Special Event Permit:

A Special Event means any event held on city property, in a city building, and/or on private property that requires specific city or state permits or authorizations, as well as the use of city services and assets for which a special permit from the city is required.

City of Hartford’s Mission and Goals for a Successful and Safe Event:

  • The City’s primary focus with any event is to ensure the health, safety and welfare of event participants, residents and visitors, and our city officials.
  • Minimizing liability, financial and legal risk to the event organizers and the City is a priority.
  • We host a variety of Special Events in the city, and this can include parades, sports events, concerts, theater and film productions, celebrations, outings, weddings, ceremonies and fairs, among others. 


Special Events Application

Step 1.Steps to Obtaining a Special Events Permit

  • Applications for large/complex events (festivals, parades, marathons, etc.) that require Temporary Liquor Permit, Pyrotechnics Permit, clearance from the State Capitol Police (if using their premises), or any street closure must be submitted 120 days prior to the event date.
  • All other applications completed 90 days or less before the event date will NOT be accepted.
  • All applicants must be cleared of all outstanding tax delinquencies and previous Special Events bills before obtaining a Special Event permit.  The tax office can be reached at 860-757-9630.
  • All Special Events Permit fees must be paid before permits are issued.
  • The Special Events Coordinator will review the application and reach out to go over any questions they may have regarding your application.
  • All applications are presented and reviewed by the Special Events Taskforce, which consist of the following departments: Police and Fire, Health & Human Services, Public Works, Hartford Parking Authority, EMS, Licenses and Inspections, Finance, Building Official, and when deemed necessary, Park Conservancies. This meeting will identify which city services are needed for your event and allows both city departments and applicants to ask questions pertaining to the event.
  • If it is deemed that any additional city services are required, those services will be billed separately by each individual department AFTER the event has taken place.
  • Once an application has been cleared by the Special Events Task Force and all required and supporting documentation have been submitted, including payment, the Special Events Coordinator will issue your permit.

Other additional permits you may be required to obtain for your Special Event:

  • Temporary Food Permit (This application must be submitted 15 days prior to the special event.) – Health & Humans Services Department
  • Temporary Liquor Permit – Planning and Zoning Division & State Department of Consumer Protection
  • Temporary Structure Permit (Ex: Tents greater than 20’x20’, generator, stages, bounce house, etc.) – Licenses and Inspections Division
  • Itinerant Peddler Permit (Applies to any food vendor, who holds a food license for greater than 6 months.) – Licenses and Inspections Division
  • List of Retail Vendors or Services (If required) – Licenses and Inspections will require that each individual vendors obtain their own Itinerant Peddlers Permit. However, if there are multiple vendors, the applicant can collect all vendors’ data and fees and provide it to the Special Events Coordinator. (Data should include the following: vendors’ name, business name, telephone number, address, CT Sales Tax ID, and email address.) This must be provided with payment 15 days prior to the special event.
  • Temporary Electrical Permit – Licenses and Inspections Department

Additional Requirements:

  • A cohesive and comprehensive SITE PLAN demonstrating the exact layout of the Special Event must be submitted with your application. NO HAND-DRAWN SITE PLAN OR SITE PLANS FROM PREVIOUS YEARS WILL BE ACCEPTED. Please send any changes or updates to the site plan to the Special Events Coordinator.
  • Special Events require proof of insurance with the following: The Liability AND Property Damage limits need to be at $1,000,000 per occurrence.  You must list the City of Hartford as an additional insured on the policy.  It should read as follow: City of Hartford/ Location of Event – 550 Main Street, Hartford, CT 06103.
  • Events fees are NON-REFUNDABLE.


The City of Hartford has the right to approve, deny or revoke any or all applications and or permits at any time. ALL applications are subject to review and are accepted based on date and time availability. Once your application is submitted, the Special Events Team will reach out to you via email within 3 business days. 

Step 2.Complete Online Special Events Form

Complete Special Events Permit Application

Application is incompatible with mobile devices and Safari. 

Neighborhood Event Notification

The City of Hartford is looking forward to working with you for a safe and coordinated event


  • There is NO FEE associated with this application, this is for information gathering only
  • Outdoor live entertainment is not approved through this application.
  • Outdoor cooking is not approved through this application
  • Proposed in-street locations will require additional review and potential modifications. 

Submit Information