Hartford HOME Investment Partnerships Program

On Display Indefinitely


The City of Hartford Department of Development Services is seeking public comment on the Draft City of Hartford HOME Investment Partnerships Program – American Rescue Plan (“HOME – ARP”) Allocation Plan

A nineteen (19) day public comment period will begin on Monday, March 6, 2023 and end on Friday, March 24, 2023. The City of Hartford Department of Development Services (DDS) is looking for public comment on the Draft City of Hartford HOME Investment Partnerships Program - American Rescue Plan (“HOME – ARP”) Allocation Plan. HOME – ARP funds are allocated to help communities provide housing, shelter, and services for the most vulnerable populations. HOME – ARP funds are in addition to the state’s regular FY 2021 HOME formula allocation. The City of Hartford’s HOME – ARP allocation is $5,242,613.00.

The Department of Development Services will conduct a VIRTUAL PUBLIC MEETING on Monday, March 20, 2023 beginning at 10:00 AM and ending when all attendees have had an opportunity to provide input and comment. Housing authorities, non-profits, advocates and the general public in the City of Hartford are invited to attend this public meeting and provide input/comment on the Draft City of Hartford HOME Investment Partnerships Program - American Rescue Plan (“HOME – ARP”) Allocation Plan. If you or your organization is interested in participating in the VIRTUAL PUBLIC MEETING, please send an e-mail to NELST002@HARTFORD.GOV with “Virtual Public Meeting – DRAFT HOME – ARP Allocation Plan” in the “Subject” line. An E-mail link will be sent to all registered participants using the Microsoft TEAMS application.

DDS will also accept electronic input/comment on the administration of these funds through 5:00 pm on Friday, March 24, 2023 at NELST002@HARTFORD.GOV. All input and comments received will be taken into consideration. For a copy of on the Draft City of Hartford HOME Investment Partnerships Program - American Rescue Plan (“HOME – ARP”) Allocation Plan, please refer to the Department of Development Services’ website, www.hartfordct.gov/Government/Departments/DDS under Public Meetings and Information, or you may request a copy via email at the above address.

Department of Development Services programs are administered in a nondiscriminatory manner, consistent with equal employment opportunities, affirmative action, and fair housing requirements. Questions, concerns, complaints or requests for information in alternative formats must be directed to the program representative, Tonja D. Nelson – Project Manager, of the Department of Development Services at 860-757-9032.