Early Learning Resources

  1. Family Child Care Platform - The Connecticut Association for the Education of Young Children (CTAEYC) is the state affiliate of the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). CTAEYC and NAEYC are dedicated to improving the lives of young children and their families by focusing on empowering the professionals that work with them. 
  2. CTShares -  CTShares is a web-based platform that offers a wealth of tools, services and cost and time-savings for Early Childhood Education programs and professionals. Early Childhood providers are able to gain enormous buying power by joining an existing nationwide pool of purchasers. 
  3. Go Napsacc -  Go NAPSACC works with child care providers to improve the health of young children through practices, policies, and environments that instill habits supporting lifelong health and well-being. We offer modules on key topics like healthy eating, physical activity, and oral health. 
  4. Early Childhood Consultation Partnership -  A program that provides a range of service types along the mental health service continuum. 
  5. Care4Kids - Care4Kids helps low to moderate income families in Connecticut pay for child care costs. This program is sponsored by the Connecticut Office of Early Childhood. 
  6. Sparkler- Sparkler offers organizations serving young families a mobile app and related services that help parents, grandparents, and other caregivers harness the science of early child and brain development to make the most of the early years.
    Sparkler Interest Form

Mayor's Cabinet for Young Children
and School Readiness Council
Early Learning Parent Cabinet Early Learning Network Hartford Family Child Care Network
 Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)  Hartford Talks  City of Hartford Early Learning Centers  Resources