HOYC Youth Training and Employment

HOYC Employment Service Header

HOYC Scan QR CodeThe HOYC Youth Training & Employment Navigation Tool is designed to promote access and engagement for disconnected youth in the Greater Hartford region. The Tool will be available on the HOYC website, United Way 211, and elsewhere with mobile compatibility.

Scan QR CODE to complete a brief survey relating to educational needs, career interests, and desired services. The Tool will then direct youth to a list of programs and services provided by HOYC partners that is tailored to the youth’s individual survey responses.

Each listed program/service will have a contact link that is directly connected to a point person at the partner organization who is responsible for rapidly reaching out to the youth in response to a referral from the Tool. Once a connection is established between the youth and the service provider, youth will either be enrolled into programming or referred to other services with a ‘warm’ handoff from the initial point of contact to other staff persons.

*It is important to note that in order for your HOYC Navigation Tool results to be saved, you must first create a 2-1-1 Account. If you do not want to save your results, you will not need to create a 2-1-1- Account


 Download HOYC Training and Employment Navigation Tool PDF(PDF, 3MB)