GIS Interactive Mapping

We have created various interactive websites to provide up to date GIS data accessible from anywhere with an internet connection. These websites give the user an interactive mapping experience that will allow them to search, view and print data. These websites use HTML5 technology and will open on desktop, tablet or a mobile phone.

 Available Websites

Please Note: Do not block pop ups. If you have a popup blocker enabled you will have to disable it for these interactive mapping sites in order to use their functionality.

  abuttersviewerimage.PNG   InspectorViewerImage.PNG

Property Information Viewer

Allows the user navigate to search for Parcel Number, Owner Name or Address. Data Layers include parcels,planimetrics and CAMA data.


Abutters List Viewer

The Abutters List Viewer lets the user navigate to a property and create an abutters search for a user defined buffer distance in feet.


Inspector Viewer

Allows the user search on an address and obtain the various inspectors responsible for the property and their contact information. 

ParksViewerImage.PNG   ScannedDocViewerImage.PNG     BuildingPermitViewerImage.PNG  

Hartford Parks Website

The Hartford Parks website shows the different facilities available for recreational activities.



Scanned Document Viewer

Allows the user to view scanned maps, building permits, specs and other documents available in the Development Services Department.


Building Permit Viewer

This viewer gives the user access to scanned building permits.


FEMAViewerImage.PNG   TaxMapViewerImage.PNG      BuildingVerandaLineViewerImage.PNG

FEMA Map Panel Index Viewer

Allows the user to open the FEMA Flood Map for the flood map panels that cover the City of Hartford.



Tax Map Viewer

Allows a user to view and download tax maps.



Building and Veranda Line Map Viewer

Allows the user to select a tax map and download a PDF file which includes the Building and Veranda Lines as well as ROW information.


 City Survey Viewer    Planning Viewer    

City Survey Viewer

Allows the user to search for a property and access information about properties that were surveyed by Loveland Technologies in the Winter of 2019.



Planning Viewer

Allows the user to search for a property and access information including Zoning, Historic Districts, and various districts pertaining to the City.