Police To Citizen Online Self Reporting Process


Police To Citizen (P2C) is an online self-reporting feature implemented by the Hartford Police Department.  It is an option for citizens to report certain non-emergency incidents to the Hartford Police Department from anywhere and at a time that is convenient.  It prevents citizens from waiting for an officer to be dispatched, which can sometimes be a long wait for non-emergency reports. 

P2C reports can be made for:

  • Vandalism or property damage.
  • Larceny or stolen property with little to no solvability.
  • Lost property.
  • Identity theft or fraud.


What is needed in the report?

  • Who - The Victim is person who is telling the story.
  • What - Identifies what is damaged, lost or stolen.
  • When - This is the timeframe when the offense occurred.
  • Where - The offense location is used to determine jurisdiction.
  • How - This is a narrative explaining the Who, What, When and Where.  This should explain how the offense happened.


These questions are designed to gather the victim information, location, items, time, and summary of the element of the offense.  During the approval process if there is a question regarding a report that was submitted, a Police Officer will send a follow up email to person who entered the report.

The individual will fill out and submit the report online via https://hartfordpdct.policetocitizen.com. Once the report is submitted the individual will receive a P2C tracking number.

An Officer will review the report to verify all the necessary information is provided and approve the report.  However, if more information or clarification is needed, the Officer may follow up with the individual by phone and/or email before approving the report.

Additionally, upon review of the report the Officer may reject the online report. If a report is rejected, the individual making the report will receive an email indicating the reason, and what actions the individual should take to make their report.


A few reasons reports may be rejected:

  • It was determined the report had been submitted several times and only one report is needed.
  • The report was submitted with the wrong offense title and new report needs to be input.
  • The incident did not meet requirements:
    1. Did not happen in the City of Hartford.
    2. There is suspect information or evidence that increases the solvability of the incident.
    3. The incident is not vandalism, property damage, larceny or stolen property, lost property, identity theft or fraud.


    Please monitor your phone and continue to check your email periodically to make sure we don’t need any further information to accept your report.