The Metropolitan District's Household Hazardous Waste Collection program for 2025. Please take look at the packet with the collection schedule, which are held on Saturdays from 8am - 1pm.
The transfer station is accepting tree stumps and hardwood logs. For more information, please call Hartford 311 at (860) 757-9311.
Eversource’s Underground Cable Modernization Program (UCMP) in Hartford. Read more about this in Public Notices and/or select on the link below.
The goal of the Flood Commission is to insure maintenance and security of flood levee system and public education and notification.
The Department of Public Works GIS Division is in charge of managing all spatial data related to Public Works functions.
Beginning April 24, 2023 all applications for permits, licenses, trash cans and transfer station passes must be filled out online prior to reporting to 50 Jennings Rd.
Please see the link below:
Types of Permits Issued
The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (CTDEEP) requires municipalities that own and operate storm drainage systems in an urbanized area which discharge storm water to develop a Storm water Management Plan to fulfill the requirements of the General Permit for the discharge of storm water from small municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4). The Metropolitan District Commission (MDC) owns and operates the combined storm and sanitary sewers as well as a number of separated storm sewer systems located within Hartford. Private property owners are responsible for the maintenance of storm drainage systems which serve their properties. The City owns and operates a number of the storm drainage systems which are regulated as part of the MS4 program.
Information on the storm water management plan is as follows: