The Metropolitan District's Household Hazardous Waste Collection program for 2025. Please take look at the packet with the collection schedule, which are held on Saturdays from 8am - 1pm.
The transfer station is accepting tree stumps and hardwood logs. For more information, please call Hartford 311 at (860) 757-9311.
Eversource’s Underground Cable Modernization Program (UCMP) in Hartford. Read more about this in Public Notices and/or select on the link below.
Pope Park (1895) was donated to the City of Hartford by industrialist Colonel Albert Pope for his employees and City residents to enjoy games, walking and out-of-door activities. It was designed by the Olmsted Brothers Landscape Architects in 1898. The Park is 79 acres in size and has two athletic fields, a recreation center, a pond, basketball courts and other amenities. The existing little league field is set for replacement in 2019.
30 Pope Park Dr, Hartford 06106 View Map
30 Pope Park Dr , Hartford 06106