Snow Parking Ban

Snow Removal In Progress

1. When Is a Snow Parking Ban Issued

When heavy snowfall is predicted, the Mayor may declare a snow emergency parking ban to ensure roads remain open for DPW and emergency vehicles. During a snow emergency parking ban, all on-street parking is prohibited throughout the City of Hartford, cars left parked on City streets will be ticketed and towed.

2. How Will I Know There Is A Parking Ban

  • Blue Lights - Blue lights have been installed at 16 major intersections, and will be illuminated 6 hours before a parking ban takes effect. The light will remain illuminated throughout the duration of the parking ban. The purpose of the blue lights is to notify residents that it is necessary to move cars parked on city streets and there is an active parking ban. 
  • Press Release - a press release will be released every time a Snow Parking Ban is issued.  Check your local news stations for more information.
  • Social Media - Follow @Hartford311 on Facebook and Twitter for social media notifications
  • Citizen Alert SystemGet alerted about emergencies and other important community news by signing up for our Citizen Alert Program. This system enables us to provide you with critical information quickly in a variety of situations, such as severe weather, unexpected road closures, missing persons and evacuations of buildings or neighborhoods.

    You will receive time-sensitive messages wherever you specify, such as your home, mobile or business phones, email address, text messages and more. You pick where, you pick how.

    Enroll today by following this link to register for the Citizen Alert System: Enroll Now

  • Email Notifications - Sign up today for the OneHartford newsletter for information directly to your mailbox for snow parking bans and other alerts from the City.

3. Where Can I Park During A Parking Ban

Residents without access to off-street parking may move their vehicles to one of the authorized parking areas including Blue Light Lots, City Parks, Recreation and Senior Centers, and Hartford Public Schools parking lots. 

Nine Blue Light Lots are dedicated solely for use during snow parking bans. These designated Blue Light Lots will provide more parking options for residents who do not have access to off-street parking. 

Residents without access to off-street parking may move their vehicles to the following locations listed below

Blue Light Lots

  • 60 Chadwick Ave
  • 45 Evergreen Ave
  • 175 Mather St
  • 2434 Main St
  • 130 Sisson Ave
  • 141 Sheldon St
  • Sigourney and Homestead
  • Learning Corridor Parking Garage - Brownell St Entrance 

 City Parks and Centers

  • Colt Park – Wawarme St Lot
  • Elizabeth Park – Asylum St Lot
  • Elizabeth Park – Prospect Ave Lot
  • Goodwin Park – Hubbard Ave Lot
  • Goodwin Park – Maple Ave Golf Course Lot
  • Keney Park – Woodland St Lot
  • Keney Park – Ridgefield St Lot
  • Rocky Ridge Park – Zion St Lot
  • Thomas J. Hyland Memorial Park – Ansonia St Lot
  • Forster Heights Park – Amherst St Lot
  • Holcomb Health and Human Services Campus - 2 Holcomb St Lot
  • North End Senior Center - 80 Coventry St Lot
  • Parker Memorial Community Center - 2621 Main St
  • Metzner Recreation Center – 680 Franklin Av
  • Samuel Valentin Arroyo Recreation Center – 30 Pope Park Dr

 All Hartford District School Parking Lots

  • All school lots are available for snow parking, EXCEPT for Bulkeley High School (300 Wethersfield Ave.) and Burns Latino Studies Academy (195 Putnam St.).
  • For a complete list of schools click here:

All vehicles must be removed from school parking lots 2 hours after a parking ban has ended. Vehicles will be towed immediately.

4. How Long Can I Park In the Snow Ban Parking Lots 

Residents should remove their vehicles from the lots promptly following the end of the parking ban. Residents whose vehicles are towed during the parking ban should contact the Hartford Police Department at (860) 757-4000. The base cost for retrieving a towed vehicle is $105.00, which only includes 24 hours of storage. Additional labor charges, a fuel surcharge and mileage charges of ($4.75 per mile) may also apply. After 24 hours additional storage fees will be levied, and an additional $99.00 ticket will be issued, which owners are responsible for paying before the answer date.

After the snow emergency parking ban has concluded, residents are expected to remove their cars from these areas promptly. All City schools parking lots must be cleared as soon as possible after the parking ban has concluded.

Vehicles MUST be removed from City Blue Light lots four hours after the parking ban has been lifted. All vehicles must be removed from school parking lots 2 hours after a parking ban has ended. Vehicles will be towed immediately.

5. Public Works Responsibility During A Snow or Ice Storm

  • Salt City streets and plow snow.
  • Maintain safe travel for motor vehicles.
  • Conduct a first pass to open streets
  • Additional passes to remove snow to the curb will cause snow accumulation on sidewalks and driveways

NOTE: DPW has snow routes for trucks to follow. If you have a health emergency, call 911 and Police, Fire and DPW will coordinate response

6. Property Owner Responsibility During A Snow or Ice Storm

Dealing with Snow and Ice during the winter months can be a challenge for anyone.  In our City, it can be a bigger challenge for our residents who commute via public transportation.  Let’s all do our part to create a safe path for all pedestrians especially our school children and individuals with disabilities.

  1. Clear all sidewalks abutting your property, including crosswalk entries and curb cuts of snow and/or ice within six (6) hours after the completion of a snow or ice event, or before 9:00AM when the snow has fallen overnight. 
  2. Sand/salt sidewalks, as necessary, to provide a safe and convenient path for pedestrians.
  3. Remove snow from roofs near street line that may slide and endanger public transit.
  4. Clear snow/ice from fire hydrants near your home.